Gluten: Effect on Health and Cognition

Gluten is a protein that stores important nutrients and is technically a mixture of complex proteins; similar storage proteins are found in a variety of foods, including rye, barley, and oats, and are collectively referred to as “gluten.” Because it can be a binding and extending agent, it is often added to processed foods for improved texture and flavor [1]. Chewier bread products are high in gluten, such as pizza dough and other leavened bread. Historically, gluten has been associated with the development of gastrointestinal symptoms; it is also the root cause of the immune response in celiac disease [2]. Gluten is also thought to have negative effects on cognition. 

Celiac disease (CD) is an illness causing certain cells in the intestine to die, leading to inflammation and nutritional deficiencies [3]. The only currently available treatment for CD is abstinence from gluten. An imbalanced gut microbiome (dysbiosis) is thought to be an important factor in causing CD [4]. On a molecular level, exposure to gliadin, one of the proteins in gluten, indirectly increases the passage of antigens into the gut mucus membranes. Undigested fragments from gluten-containing foods trigger an increase in T-cell response against some of the body’s own tissues, creating most of the secondary symptoms associated with CD [5]. A clinical study demonstrated CD patients showed increased activity in a type of cell that is involved in cell death [6]. Another feature of CD pathology is the upregulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-15, which promotes the destruction of intestinal epithelial cells [5]. Gluten is known to have a detrimental effect on health for patients with celiac disease, however, it may also be linked to negative effects on cognition in the general population. 

A recent systematic review closely examined 13 studies (n = 526) and compared the association between gluten intake and cognitive function, looking specifically at depression, anxiety, autism, schizophrenia, or memory impairment [7]. The researchers concluded restricting gluten may be helpful in reducing cognitive impairment in people with IBS, CD, schizophrenia and fibromyalgia; however, in the case of patients with autism disorder, a gluten-free diet did not significantly enhance cognition [8]. Other research studies have also examined the association between gluten intake and neurological/psychological impairment through symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, depression, anxiety, and ataxia [9]. Ataxia is the most common neurological complication related to gluten intake; this is characterized by cerebellum dysfunction, increased production of certain antibodies, and ataxic symptomology [10]. Furthermore, one study showed CD patients were more likely to have anxiety but exhibited a significant improvement in these scores after one year on a gluten-free diet [11]. Similarly, a Scandinavian population study showed elderly patients with gluten sensitivities were twice as likely to have depressive symptoms than controls [12], but this difference improved after a gluten-free diet was imposed [13]. In mouse macrophages treated with gliadin, there was a significant increase in pro-inflammatory genes such as TNF-α, IL-12, IL-15 and IFN-β iNOS, suggesting gliadin and other gluten components may be capable of inducing excessive inflammation, interfering with brain signaling and contributing to neurological and cognitive impairments [9,14].   

Accumulating evidence indicates the gluten-mediated immune response is detrimental to overall health but especially to cognition. In many cases, neurological and psychiatric manifestations may arise from gluten-related illnesses. Additional research is needed to determine what the exact link between gluten, health, and cognition is. 


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